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Limewood Dental Care  >  Services


We offer a full range of both NHS and private treatments, from teeth whitening through to a total digital smile design.

Preventative Dentistry

Maintaining oral hygiene


Paediatric Dentistry

Caring for your children's teeth


Emergency Care


Alleviating acute infection and pain

Dental Anxiety Management

Treating patients with phobias and managing their anxieties



A simple way to restore tooth structure

Tooth Whitening


Make your teeth whiter and brighter

Sensitive Tooth Treatment

Minimise or even eradicate tooth sensitivity

Gum Care


Maintain excellent oral hygiene for healthy gums and underlying bone


Replace lost teeth and the gum's shape

Mouth Guards

Preventing tooth trauma from contact sports


Front tooth restoration for a natural, well aligned smile


Restore, protect and improve tooth strength



Fill a gap between two teeth



Inlays and Onlays


Prevent heavily broken down teeth from cracking and breaking

Root Canal Treatment

Stopping severe toothache and abcesses, while keeping the tooth



Tooth removal



Preventative dentistry


We believe prevention is better than cure. This is why we offer regular hygiene visits to every patient. We spend time discussing the best oral hygiene techniques and will undertake fissure sealants and professional fluoride application to prevent future problems when required.

Smile Check
Preventative Dentistry
Child Brushing Teeth 2

Children's dentistry



Having good oral hygiene for life is our goal. Childhood has been identified as the most important period in a persons’ dental life. We believe each visit should be fun and aim to make every child look forward to their next dental visit. Our focus is prevention, we will take time to go over oral hygiene and undertake preventative procedures like fissure sealing or professional fluoride applications if required. We use a very gentle and friendly approach to make the appointment run as smoothly as possible.

Children's Dentistry

Emergency care


If you have a dental emergency please call the practice immediately to arrange an appointment on 01352 762183. We aim to get all of our patients out of pain as soon as possible and will discuss all of the relevant options with you. If the practice is closed, please leave a voicemail and we will call you back as soon as possible.

Dentist at Work 2
Emergncy Care
Doctor Check-Up

Dental anxiety management


Dental anxiety or phobia is a very common reason for not coming to the dentist. If this applies to you, rest assured you are not alone. This is why we spend time with each patient to learn and manage your anxieties.

At Limewood Dental Care we are experienced in treating patients who are anxious and can use behavioural techniques and procedures such as pain free anaesthetic administration to help. Given the right care and attention we are confident that we can help you to overcome your dental anxieties.

Dental Anxiety


Fillings are a fast, simple and convenient way of repairing missing tooth structure.  It is sometimes necessary to replace old fillings if they are worn down or broken. If you believe you have a hole or are in pain, you may require a filling.


Please make an appointment as soon as possible. If left too long, you may need more complex work.

Dental Smile
Teeth Whitening

Tooth Whitening

Tooth whitening can be a very effective way of improving your smile. Our aim is for you to have a whiter, brighter smile for as long as possible. This is why we offer custom made whitening trays and a take home kit to top up your whitened teeth. Tooth whitening is not suitable for everyone and as such you will first require an assessment to see if it is a suitable option for you.

Tooth Whitening

Sensitive Tooth Treatment


Tooth sensitivity is a very common dental complaint. In most cases it can be eradicated to allow you to get on with enjoying life. Brushing technique and diet can be a factor and we will be happy to discuss this with you.

Dental x-ray
Woman in White Blouse

Gum Care


It has been shown that more people loose teeth through poor gum health than tooth decay. Gum disease often goes un-noticed and is not painful. At Limewood Dental Care we undertake a full check of the gums during every examination.


We also have a dental hygienist as part of our team who will professionally remove plaque, tartar and staining. We believe that excellent oral hygiene is crucial in maintaining healthy gums and this is why we promote a new concept in the use of interproximal brushes. We will fully explain this new concept during your hygiene appointment.

Gum Care



Using dentures we can help to replace a few teeth, or all of your teeth. Dentures will help you look better, eat better and will improve your self confidence. Loosing teeth causes bone loss too, which can give the face a sunken appearance. With dentures, we can replace this missing bone which helps support the face and cheeks.


There are many different options when it comes to dentures which we will always discuss with you so that you are able to choose the best option that suits your needs.

Smiling Woman
Happy Sports Team

Mouth Guards


Preventing tooth trauma when playing contact sports is essential. The best way of achieving this is with a custom made mouthguard. These can be made to the colour of your choice and we can incorporate logos or badges into the mouthguard if required. Custom made mouthguards don’t require any effort to keep in your mouth, leaving you to concentrate on your game.

Mouth Guard



Veneers are custom made restorations that attach to the front of your teeth. Veneers can be used to restore one tooth or on multiple teeth. They can help to provide a well aligned, proportioned, natural aesthetic smile with minimal tooth preparation.


We also provide a service where veneers can be trialled in a temporary material before a final decision is made to go ahead with the permanent makeover. We want to know that you will be happy with your final result right at the start of your treatment.

Laughing Man



Crowns (also known as caps) can be used to restore, protect and improve the strength of heavily filled or decayed teeth. Crowns fit over the remaining part of a prepared tooth, and can be made of a number of different materials. At Limewood Dental Care we prefer to use cosmetic porcelain crowns in almost all situations. Crowns are so advanced these days that they can be made to be indistinguishable from a natural tooth. We have invested in CEREC technology so that we can offer crowns in one appointment.




A bridge is made by placing crowns on the teeth at either side of a space and restoring the space by joining the two crowns together with a false tooth. They are cemented into the mouth and do not need to be removed. Your new bridge will improve your bite and ability to chew.


At Beauwood Dental Care we have invested in CEREC technology so that we can offer bridges in one appointment.

Woman with Long Hair
Female white toothy smile

Inlays and Onlays


Inlays and onlays are a new advancement in dentistry. They allow for large unsightly fillings or heavily decayed teeth to be restored with a strong, long lasting restoration. Commonly they can be used as an alternative to crowns. Tooth coloured ceramic is normally the material used, leaving your tooth with a very aesthetic appearance.


At Limewood Dental Care we have invested in CEREC technology so that we can offer inlays and onlays in one appointment.


Root Canal Treatment


Root canal treatment has had huge improvements over recent years. It no longer needs to be an unpleasant experience. We can save even the most heavily decayed teeth using this technique. Our modern nickel titanium root canal equipment means the procedure can be completed in just one visit, in the majority of cases.

Root Canal
Root Canal
Dental Tools in Pocket



Extractions are always a last resort. However, in some cases there are no other options. At Limewood Dental Care we use a technique where the tooth is removed as carefully as possible using the best local anaesthetic.


If wisdom teeth need to be removed, this can be undertaken at the practice or we can refer to an oral surgeon for the teeth to be removed under a general anaesthetic.

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